Manchester City’s Jack Grealish, Alex Greenwood on Partnering with OKX to Engage with Fans Through Web3 Technology
- In February OKX announced its partnership with four Manchester City players to bring unique Web3 experiences to fans
- Manchester City stars Jack Grealish and Alex Greenwood share how they see Web3 changing the way they connect with fans
VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES, MARCH 16, 2023 – OKX ambassadors and Manchester City stars Jack Grealish and Alex Greenwood shared their thoughts on how Web3 technology and partnering with OKX will give them new ways to connect with fans.
OKX, the world-leading technology and Web3 company and home to the world’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, announced in February that it was partnering with Manchester City stars İlkay Gündoğan, Alex Greenwood, Jack Grealish and Ruben Dias to create unique new experiences for fans in the ‘OKX Collective’ metaverse.
Jack Grealish said: “It’s really exciting to work with OKX and be part of this experience in the metaverse and have the opportunity to connect with the fans in this new way.”
Alex Greenwood said: “Football gives us so much and I have really enjoyed exploring the ways technology can continue to create new experiences. I can’t wait to see our fans join us in the metaverse.”
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